Friday, 10 October 2014

Aids and Adaptations for Daily Living

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Safe and Well is a new service for Bucks launched on 1st October. Safe+Well™ is a service designed to support people who may not meet the criteria of eligible needs with Social Services or who choose to arrange their own support.
A private company has been commissioned by Bucks County Council to provide:
  •  A reliable and trustworthy service to signpost people to for local advice and information on how daily living aids and telecare can support their independence 
  • A range of professional assessment options to help people identify what daily living aids would make life easier for them at home 
  • A range of accredited retail options – online / telephone / catalogue / local retailers where people can buy good quality daily living aids from trained staff. 
Why provide Safe+Well™ in your local area?
Safe+Well™ is a service which has developed in response to the changing climate of Health and Social Care. In particular:
  • Care Act 2014 - The new Act gives a duty to local authorities to signpost to reliable sources of advice, information and guidance. Research shows that at least one in three women and one in five men reported having unmet needs for some activities of daily living. With national eligibility thresholds set to change there are likely to be many more people who will no longer have their needs met by the statutory sector but who may be able to meet some of these needs through inexpensive daily living aids.
  • Personalisation - Safe+Well™ provides information and choice for people on how and where to buy their daily living aids and putting them in control. 
How does Safe+Well™ help people to choose the right daily living aids? 
We know that without good advice and information people can make poor decisions about which daily living aid to buy and waste money. Safe+Well™ aims to give people a range of options with which to make an informed decision about the appropriate daily living aids for them and let them know where they can purchase them from. People can choose from:
  • FREE On-line questionnaire - answer quick and easy questions and receive a report showing which daily living aids may help 
  • FREE telephone advice line run by qualified Occupational Therapists (OT's) • FREE local places to "try before you buy" 
  • FREE advice on telecare options - both stand alone and monitored
  • Occupational Therapist (OT) home visit - an NRS OT will carry a full home visit and complete a written report. (currently £99) 
Telephone 0300 100 0247 or visit
 NRS Healthcare Unit 29/30, Faraday Road Rabans Lane Industrial Area Aylesbury HP19 8RY

This information is provided by AVDC but it is not AVDC’s service and AVDC has no influence over it – the contact details are provided for who arranges this service.